《木兰花·别后不知君远近》是宋代文学家欧阳修的词作。 此词描写思妇念远的愁情。上阕写思妇别后的孤凄苦闷和对远游人深切的怀念;下阕借景抒情,描写思妇秋夜难眠独伴孤灯的愁苦。 全词突出...
Primary and middle school teachers in Beijing’s public school system will be require...
Chinese public security organs have cracked 185,000 cases related to telecoms and online f...
Parkin and Bade’s text Economics gives the following definition of the business cycl...
2021年雅思考试报名截止日期为2020年12月21日至2021年11月29日,具体时间查看官网。 公告如下: 2021年雅思考试开放报名啦!全年已确定55个雅思纸笔考试日期,其中...
China’s early rice output saw a 2.7% increase this year as per unit yield improved, ...
The long-awaited Universal Beijing Resort will start trial operation on Sept 1, the resort...
1. Monkey business – silly, mischievous or deceitful behaviour; stupid or time-wasting act...
China plans to plant 33.3 million hectares of forests and grasslands in the next five year...